
BTForum Wormy Discussion Worms World Party Discussion New "Map Thief"

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I write programms - to look like "Map Thief": WORMAP What can Wormap? - Save last map after quit from game - Save last map in common chat - Save current map in battle use chat - Make key “Numpad 0” equal key “F8” - Print strings from text file in chats - Automatic start game along with Wormap and automatic close Wormap where game quit Download and instruction here
21.04.05 04:45
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Orangie Orgy
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Not online within the last half an hour offense but,
21.04.05 18:00
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well the site seems to make more sense, since it has screenshots

It doesn't look bad, actually.

You know I'm a dancing machine
22.04.05 00:24
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The directions could use quite a bit of help from the grammar police though. I can follow them, but it sort of hurts to look at it.
22.04.05 13:07
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