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nah. I like IE. 'cept for those crazy pop-ups

01.09.03 04:09
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jsut get a good popup stopper. I have itand its stopped 837 popups. It's called Stop-The-Pop-Up. It's had 278,436 downloads. So that can't be bad.

Learn to look, look to learn.
01.09.03 08:06
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your a smart one! now i'll be a good little boy and go to church.

01.09.03 14:51
Post #33
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Or just get mozilla, which as a built in pop up stopper that differentiates between useful popups and annoying ads....

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
01.09.03 17:28
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i have this mywebsearch thing. and it adds more emotions to msn emails and stops popups
01.09.03 17:33
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seeing as i dont know how to create a perfect design. Can i just use like a btp design, save it, edit it, then send it to an admin to edit?
02.09.03 01:14
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it didn't stop the pop-ups

02.09.03 01:21
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Quoted :: ReadMe

Or just get mozilla, which as a built in pop up stopper that differentiates between useful popups and annoying ads....

My 8th favorite feature (but the list isnt in any paticular order :D)
02.09.03 01:23
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u all ignored me. its a thread about designs and u talk about fb. Can u answer my question?
02.09.03 01:47
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lol; yes, i suppose we could.

I like the IE only design. Gets rid of that right bar for me.
02.09.03 02:08
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mozilla? or Mozilla Firebird? cuz Firebird doesn't work for me. i'm running an 98

02.09.03 02:33
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The stop the pop up should be in ur tray icon for it to be working and must not have the disable popup box checked. Fb works for me great but I'm on XP.

Learn to look, look to learn.
02.09.03 07:20
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Quoted :: C1

seeing as i dont know how to create a perfect design. Can i just use like a btp design, save it, edit it, then send it to an admin to edit?
Nobody else seems to want to answer you, so here goes.
Quoted :: The FAQ
Question: Meh, I think I can make better designs than those ones on the change design page. Are you interested in what I can do?
Answer: Absolutely. Just make a sample page for your design using the index page as a template, and send it to me. You can make the menu pretty much how you want, but the actual layout of the bar on the right hand side can't be changed. It helps if you know some CSS when you create your design, cause BTP uses it to stop fonts etc. being unreadable on different bg colours. Still, if you don't know CSS, just send what you can to me and I'll see what I can do.
The easiest way is probably to choose file > save as in your browser (both IE and Moz do the same thing), and edit that page.

On a random note, here's an image.
02.09.03 15:54
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heh that gave me an awesome design. but i want to do one kinda like contra maybe. I was thinking of that bluey color on contra but would u ppl rather black? no eh?
02.09.03 16:16
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Anyone can use that image if they want.

This is what the design I was messing with looks like in Mozilla.

This is what it looks like in IE. I could probably fix it - but I don't want to.

04.09.03 16:49
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