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My new sig, what do you think of it?

An image!
16.03.05 08:52
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Everything aside from your name on it is rather poor quality, plus, it's (rather) huge size will make people automatically move their mouse to the Hide Sig button upon seeing your posts....

Not really good, in short
16.03.05 14:31
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It's a bit big mate, make it a bit smaller then you got yourself a pefect sig


16.03.05 14:48
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The text effect looks good, but the rest is a copy + paste job. I see there from the anime "Medabots".
16.03.05 20:24
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It's too big, distorted and ugly. Nuff said.
16.03.05 20:56
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If you want people to comment on your sigs and stuff, just post a nameplate. Then post "rate my nameplate plz" in the shoutbox.

16.03.05 21:20
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[G]the candy man
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if you want me to be honest
its shit

you didnt even make those images... and the quality is crap
16.03.05 21:36
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Quoted :: The candy Man

and the quality is crap

One word / extension will answer to why that is.



17.03.05 04:10
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Well, since you deleted the other thread and aren't "spamming" anymore ;), I can delete my previous post and post my opinion:

A bit pixelated, I guess the text effect is nice.
18.03.05 01:52
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Quoted :: Runt

Quoted :: The candy Man

and the quality is crap

One word / extension will answer to why that is.


I agree with you completely Runt.
18.03.05 22:07
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Quoted :: C1

Quoted :: Runt

Quoted :: The candy Man

and the quality is crap

One word / extension will answer to why that is.


I agree with you completely Runt.

Hm..does the JPEG format try to smooth the edges or something? How come it would cause a loss in quality?

21.03.05 02:46
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I dunno really, it does a little (alot) doesn't it.

If JPEG were like PNG, this would be a hell of alot eaiser to judge


21.03.05 05:33
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Quoted :: joetheeskimo5

Hm..does the JPEG format try to smooth the edges or something? How come it would cause a loss in quality?

JPEG is a lossy format, meaning that in order to compress the file, it uses compression algorithms that help make the amount of data required smaller. I'd assume one way it does this is taking some quality out of the image by approximating certain parts, so less data actually needs to be compressed. Not big on my knowledge of JPEG compression though.

You know I'm a dancing machine
21.03.05 17:48
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That seems about right zog.
21.03.05 20:42
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