
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms World Party Discussion » Hack?

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Hello! When I was hosting the game (WWP) on wormnet2 somebothy from the players on the serwer said ftom my nickname. In chat window i saw: "Zibra: ......." (Zibra was my nick!) How he make this?
13.03.05 13:04
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2 threads didn't need creating to ask the same question.

Anyways, he PM'ed you. By double clicking your name and typing something in the box.
When sent, only you saw it obvisously.


13.03.05 16:30
Post #2
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Or he pressed space lots to get a new line, then typed your name ;)
13.03.05 21:50
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Quoted :: Runt

2 threads didn't need creating to ask the same question.

The other thread was on Bloopy's site. Maybe he somehow didn't realise that they both are hosted by BTP.

14.03.05 12:04
Post #4
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