
BTForum » BlameTheOffTopic Forums » BlameTheTypewriter » My life in the past 7 months.

[G]dj canada
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I crashed my car.
I quit my job.
I am broke.
I work 2 days a week at a liquior store.
And I still have not been able to get a 2nd copy of W:A.

So how are you?

20.02.05 07:54
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I'm good.
Why only 2 days a week?
That sucks by the way.
Edit: At least you're good at Diablo 2 :P
Edit: Jay's life is pretty crappy too lol..and he's n00b at that came. (jay is jay pker here who is really good at Ghost Gunner)
- Lit the bathroom on fire at school
- Got expelled
- Isn't allowed in any school in my city
- Doesn't have a car
- Has a job but has no time for anything else
- Is most likely broke because he buys so much weed
20.02.05 09:11
Post #2
Last edited: 20.02.05 09:14 (C1 - 3 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
om nom nom nom nom
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If this had been posted in any other forum it would be on its second page by now. It just so happens that DJ canada posted it in this forum which is slightly unpopular for some absurd reason. Its actually a bit deppresing.

Anyway, lets talk about my life:
Since just after chrismas:
-I went on the best skiing holiday ever
-I lost my girl friend due my apparent loss of good personality (:()
-I gained a lot more firends than I had before
-I fucked up on nearly every piece of coursework I did
-I didnt apply to any colleges quick enough
-I crashed my friends car in a ditch in his field and split my forhead open
-and just now I convinced my parents to buy me another laptop
27.02.05 18:12
Post #3
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