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The Architect is a new program that will be avaliable for all soon. It allows you to create Pro looking maps in minutes. With tile based images, you'll be making maps in no time;) There are some screenshots of this new program at

P.S. If anyone is interested in making character tiles, please let me know.

18.02.05 23:20
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[Homebrew Worm Designs c('.'C)] [Hide Sig (1)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Looks like a very nice idea! But are the tile sets really .jpg as it shows on your site? That's just wrong.


Quoted :: Bloopy

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I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
19.02.05 03:32
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[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Sounds like a good idea there. I'll have to check it out.
Make sure you let us know when it's all finished yeah?


19.02.05 04:47
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This seems mostly useful for shoppers, battle races, and with the right tileset(/size?), rr.

Potentially, it could be very useful for battle races. With tiles with things set out at perfect jumping distances or crawling stairs, it would make it so much easier to piece together a br map.

This would be nice, but with set tiles, there is a lot you can't do. There should be some sort of way of integrating freeform parts of a map with the tiles.
19.02.05 04:49
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Yes, there will be limitations...but you can make some really nice detailed maps with 'The Architect' even with set tiles, and it sure beats spending hours and hours on making one map. The program also allows you to save your status and return to your project. (That is, if you dont feel like spending the 6 minutes to make a full map :P)

19.02.05 04:57
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[Homebrew Worm Designs c('.'C)] [Hide Sig (1)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Jehuty

That is, if you dont feel like spending the 6 minutes to make a full map :P

6 minutes! If I could make a map that fast...

But I can't make maps by hand anyway so this could prove useful to me


19.02.05 04:59
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Quoted :: Bloopy

Looks like a very nice idea! But are the tile sets really .jpg as it shows on your site? That's just wrong.

No worries Bloopy, im switching the tile sets to *.bmp :) I know, *.jpg is a very bad idea.

19.02.05 06:12
Post #7
[Homebrew Worm Designs c('.'C)] [Hide Sig (1)] [Profile] [Quote]
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NOT BMP! I'm not one of them, but ever heard of this thing called dial-up? Use GIFs, or if you want a little better image quality for a bit more size, use PNGs.
19.02.05 09:03
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Quoted :: SargeTron

NOT BMP! I'm not one of them, but ever heard of this thing called dial-up? Use GIFs, or if you want a little better image quality for a bit more size, use PNGs.

With the small size it shouldn't really matter, it's only the tilesets, which are puny, and a one-off download. If you don't mind sending a 1920x696 png, or downloading one every time you play a colour map, then this really is negligible. If everyone had the attitude of "Would somebody please think of the 56k'ers", colour maps would never have been implemented (which imo wouldn't have been such a bad thing).

In any case, what are dial-up users doing playing colour maps, let alone making them?!?
19.02.05 10:24
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Hmmm. K, whatever. I'll be downloading it.
19.02.05 12:21
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You can reserve your tournament the site!
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wouldn't it be easier to just have sets of tiles and use a drawing program?

Could be me though!

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19.02.05 14:11
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Quoted :: DarkOne

wouldn't it be easier to just have sets of tiles and use a drawing program?

Could be me though!

Easier? No, harder.
19.02.05 15:27
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Quoted :: Fluffy

In any case, what are dial-up users doing playing colour maps, let alone making them?!?

Basically .bit maps have all but died out on W:A, especially new maps. I can't even make a decent monochrome map myself. So, I turned to making color maps. I'll probably never use them online, but other people might.
19.02.05 15:37
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I hate color maps with a passion.
If I was still w;a'ing it, I would still be making them monochromes :)
Since they're so easy to make and I do alot better than color, i'd just prefer it.
Death to color! :p
19.02.05 15:40
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Quoted :: SargeTron

NOT BMP! I'm not one of them, but ever heard of this thing called dial-up? Use GIFs, or if you want a little better image quality for a bit more size, use PNGs.

Here's the problem with converting the tile sets into gif. The compression of the file screws up the black backround and creates random little pixels that will show up on your maps. That's why I have it set to *.bmp only. I have set a standard size for the tile sets so it can be an easy download for 56krs. So with the tile set file zipped, the filesize comes out to only about 264 kb.

19.02.05 16:58
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[Homebrew Worm Designs c('.'C)] [Hide Sig (1)] [Profile] [Quote]
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