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Why is Jay banned? Is it some sort of mistake or did he sware loads or something, w/e... why?
18.02.05 21:22
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18.02.05 21:44
Post #2
Last edited: 19.02.05 01:11 (ReadMe - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Long story short, some chips went down, some chips went up, some chips hit the fan, and everyone's unbanned now. No one gets the specifics unless they were in the chat at the time it happened.

Edit: We must think of the children out there :roll:.

BTW, I asked because I sort of walked right into the conversation (as did tH). He didn't have to tell me.
18.02.05 21:56
Post #3
Last edited: 19.02.05 03:57 (Glenn - 1 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Unless they come in and ask....*points at Glenn*
18.02.05 22:11
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I dont fucking swaer now fuck off and go back to your shitty little life
18.02.05 22:15
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om nom nom nom nom
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May I ask why you unbanned him?:)
18.02.05 22:18
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[G]the candy man
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well if you dont know the reason he was banned in the first place.... it doesnt matter
18.02.05 23:49
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move along ppl nothing to see here...

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
19.02.05 01:12
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