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[]Sk8a d00d
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Can someone please tell me where the sig development kit is, my sigs suck

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02.02.05 21:46
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The latest and best sig development kit used to be available at, but for some reason it's a broken the webmaster and ask where it went.
02.02.05 22:20
Post #2
Last edited: 02.02.05 22:21 (joetheeskimo5 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Yeah, I've tryed searching around for it.
Everywhere I find it, the link is broken or the file doesn't exist


02.02.05 23:40
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[]The Pope
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Learn to look, look to learn.
03.02.05 13:31
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[]Sk8a d00d
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Thx pope for the website but as i was searching google, i found it.

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03.02.05 22:23
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Pope, he was looking more for a Worms sig designing program, not the graphics, if I understood him correctly.

In any case, problem solved.
04.02.05 04:47
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Quoted :: joetheeskimo5

Pope, he was looking more for a Worms sig designing program, not the graphics, if I understood him correctly.

In any case, problem solved.

Thats just what ineeded (strangly) 8)

cook me my dinner now !

04.02.05 19:31
Post #7
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[]Sk8a d00d
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That too, but I think i'm now thx for the help,
btw, I can\'t see my avatar and sig, how do i get it to where i do see it?
:EDIT: Ok I just got a new avatar and sig instead

He knows if you've been naughty or nice...
An image!
05.02.05 00:57
Post #8
Last edited: 06.02.05 19:52 (Sk8a d00d - 2 times) [Sk8a d00d's Site] [Hide Sig (1)] [Profile] [Quote]

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