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Could some one please help me im new too this, I just bought 'Worms World Party' and then downloaded the flaming energy bar mod off this site and I cant get it too well work basicly. im not sure were im supposed too put the fil;es, I read the read me and it said something about putting them in the main folder of worms, trouble is too my knowlage that means the cd and u cant put files on the cd. Could some one please help me.

O and I also cant c the games that are being hosted on worm net.

A tousand thanks in advance too any1 that helps me.
21.01.05 01:03
Post #1
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To use the flaming powerbars (must. not. kill. you.), put it in your WWP folder on the hard drive. Then fire it up, and it should work.

As for not being able to see games, here's the idiot-proof guide to fixing that:
1) Double click on My Computer.
2) Double click on Control Panel
3) Double click on Regional Settings.
4) Make sure ALL SETTINGS are correct for your location.
5) Apply the changes and click OK.
6) Right click on the system tray (that gray bar at the bottom where application buttons appear).
7) Click on Adjust Date/Time.
8 ) Set the timezone to your specific timezone, and make sure the time is correct.
9) Apply and close.
10) Fire up WWP.
11) Go onto Wormnet.
12) Join a channel with people in it.
13) Pray that this all worked and you can see games.
21.01.05 01:33
Post #2
Last edited: 21.01.05 01:34 (Glenn - 1 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
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He might not have downloaded the latest (and only) patch for it?
This isn't the first time someone has asked this.


21.01.05 01:38
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If he can get on Wormnet at all, he most likely has the patch. I think the game comes up with an error message if you havn't applied the patch first.
Plus the latest release of WWP has the service patch pre-applied.
21.01.05 02:00
Post #4
[Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
Thanks but unfortunatly after several ajustments now I can get bak onto wormnet but unfortuetly now wen I host I make a game but no one can enter it 4 some reason. even after deleting the patch and reinstalling worms world party people still cant get into my games. Would some1 mind helping me on this.
21.01.05 03:14
Post #5
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Do you happen to have a firewall or router?
Do you use Windows XP?

And the big question.
Can you now see OTHER games on wormnet?
21.01.05 03:25
Post #6
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i remember having this problem, it was cause my region settings on XP were set to USA.
I'm in UK dammnit!


21.01.05 03:32
Post #7
[Hide Sig (10)] [Profile] [Quote]
Thanks 4 that info I managed too get into worm net and now I can join matches :P . unfortunetly ppl cant join my matches but that dosent really matter. Anywho i have 1 lst question too ask of you guys if u dont mind. Ive re downloaded the mod (chek files programs smthing about a flaming energy bar and rank change) but I cant get the thing too work. Ive put all the files were they are supposed too be, and it loads up seems too be working but my energy bar is still normal and my rank is still the same :(. Could some1 help me on this last matter then ill let u guys get bak too w/e u do. Many Thanks in advance ;).
21.01.05 06:26
Post #8
sm1 plz help me:(
21.01.05 09:57
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People tend not to be on in the period between 3 and 6 GMT...

I'm fairly certain that you need to keep the program open while you use WWP. Then again, I've never tried using it, so I wouldn't know.

BTW, if you're using Win XP, it has it's own firewall that might be blocking people from joining your game. You'll need to disable it to host successfully. Otherwise, you probably have some other firewall or a router with which you'll have to figure out on your own. There is a FAQ on port forwarding for routers on the team17 forum.
21.01.05 13:56
Post #10
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To beable to host, you need to force your ip. To do this, click the wormnet button on the main menu of wwp, then the configuration button and make sure "force ip" is checked.

21.01.05 16:12
Post #11
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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There isnt a force ip button in wwp, you cant host.
21.01.05 16:27
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There isn't?? meh, I seem to beable to host on wwp and w:a and I'm on a LAN with firewall.

21.01.05 18:12
Post #13
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WWP doesn't have a force IP setting, which means T17 sort of blew it there. However, I'd like to redirect you to this thread, on the last post, for a workaround for force IP.
21.01.05 21:26
Post #14
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