
BTForum » BlameTheOffTopic Forums » BlameTheArt » Foldable Paper Dice

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The link above has some "paper dice". Basically, you can print them out, cut them, and then fold the paper and tape it together. I personally find some of these very unique... I would print more and photograph them, but my printer is low on color ink. :P

Oh, and two things:

1. It will probably be necessary to resize them. Unless you resize the first few by .25, they will probably eat up more than one sheet. :lol:

2. If you do not care, please try not to say it out loud. Also, if you are wondering why my title is set as such- well, I'll let you figure that out. :P
18.01.05 21:56
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Ook, printable folding dice on the interweb?

Whats next? :P


18.01.05 21:58
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printable blank paper
19.01.05 01:17
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