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07.02.05 01:47
Post #46
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that was exceedingly lazy of you, knifa

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
09.02.05 02:38
Post #47
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om nom nom nom nom
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...I dont get it.

Edit: you mean Dreameater??
09.02.05 16:58
Post #48
Last edited: 09.02.05 17:05 (kikumbob - 1 times) [Hide Sig (9)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: kikumbob

...I dont get it.

Edit: you mean Dreameater??

Yes it is, DreamEater isn't in Knifa's good books at the moment.
Enough said


09.02.05 19:23
Post #49
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Yes he is. We just like to be an assholes towards him.
09.02.05 20:37
Post #50
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I see it somewhat like this:

We abuse him, but it wouldn't be the same without him. You can decide if it would be better or worse ;)
09.02.05 21:23
Post #51
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...I dont get it.

Edit: you mean Dreameater??


Yes it is, DreamEater isn't in Knifa's good books at the moment.
Enough said

I see it somewhat like this:

We abuse him, but it wouldn't be the same without him. You can decide if it would be better or worse ;)

unfortunately this is true
10.02.05 18:13
Post #52
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06.03.05 18:26
Post #53
Last edited: 06.03.05 18:27 (sqwueek - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Very nice pic there sqwueek.

Had to speed it up to full to actually sit through it all


07.03.05 01:02
Post #54
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yeah, it took me quite a while..
..I was sooo bored :P
07.03.05 13:33
Post #55
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Heh, I can't believe I watched all that. :P

08.03.05 19:21
Post #56
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10.03.05 22:05
Post #57
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Here you go!
And another!

Watch them in fast motion its betta...



03.05.05 05:13
Post #58
Last edited: 03.05.05 07:36 (Atomic52 - 4 times) [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Atomic52

Here you go!
And another!

Watch them in fast motion its betta...

Very nice! :D

03.05.05 12:57
Post #59
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Yea well thats about all of what 9 years of school has tought me...



03.05.05 13:27
Post #60
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