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I know this isn't the right sort of forum to post this but I'm posting it here and in a Half-Life 2 forum aswell.

I was wondering if it was possible for some sort of mod or cheat to play Half-Life 2 in 3rd person? Cause it would be like Max Payne, it would be cool


18.01.05 17:30
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There is a way to play HL2 in 3rd person, but gorden freeman isin't much to look at.

(Eep, the image went 404'd. It was unanimated, untextured and basicly flouting arms.)

18.01.05 17:34
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[G]the candy man
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there is a way....
and i know it

just press esc and get the little menue thingy up...

and type thirdperson....

it works but its shit as you can only see his hands
18.01.05 21:16
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But how do i enable the console? I haven't figured that one out yet.


18.01.05 22:03
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tis in the options.
18.01.05 22:17
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

if you're that interested, there is a gordon model
Gordon Model

and for everybody else, i've put a big pile of HL2 mods in a bucket for ya

An image!
19.01.05 19:48
Post #6
Last edited: 19.01.05 19:53 (Squelchymcphee - 2 times) [Hide Sig (4)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

and 2 more buckets of goodness.

HL2 Stuff 2
HL2 Stuff 3

An image!
22.01.05 14:18
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Meh, half life 2 totally rocks and can not be made better with some stupid mod.
Unless, some guy from Valve made the mod...

23.01.05 19:36
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