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Wouldn't that mean I'd have to convert the url with php beforing using it?

Also, why when I add the

to my code, does it not make my style designs work? It just doesn't make sense...
I have my index page error free :P Yay! It's only like..30 lines long. =\
20.01.05 21:15
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I find it difficult to read things that are white on a black/dark grey background and the background is busy.
I like the UC design, it's nice and bright with plenty of space.
The design at pope's site has a nice colour scheme, which is why I made a custom CSS mergeing the two together. :)

20.01.05 22:22
Post #17
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: HarrY

I find it difficult to read things that are white on a black/dark grey background and the background is busy.
I like the UC design, it's nice and bright with plenty of space.
The design at pope's site has a nice colour scheme, which is why I made a custom CSS mergeing the two together. :)

That background isn't busy on his site. It's basic yet exciting. You are just boring :P
20.01.05 23:42
Post #18
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Quoted :: C1

That background isn't busy on his site. It's basic yet exciting. You are just boring :P

Thanks! :D
21.01.05 00:18
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Quoted :: C1

That background isn't busy on his site. It's basic yet exciting. You are just boring :P

Shut up. I wasn't refering to his site, what made you think that?

21.01.05 23:28
Post #20
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: HarrY

Quoted :: C1

That background isn't busy on his site. It's basic yet exciting. You are just boring :P

Shut up. I wasn't refering to his site, what made you think that?

It was the subject at hand?
21.01.05 23:35
Post #21
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Yeah, the thread was made by Joe, for Joe's site :P lol..
22.01.05 18:46
Post #22
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why does your site make use of a marginal amount of my screen...

its irritating.
22.01.05 22:16
Post #23
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Quoted :: Jay

why does your site make use of a marginal amount of my screen...

its irritating.

So people with really itty bitty screens can still see it without stretching their screen.
23.01.05 17:59
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Quoted :: C1

Quoted :: Jay

why does your site make use of a marginal amount of my screen...

its irritating.

So people with really itty bitty screens can still see it without stretching their screen.

And also because it's designed for my monitor resolution, which is 1024 x 768. I should probably add a message saying "Best displayed in 1024 x 768 resolution". Higher resolutions will have the frames all stuffed in the upper left corner, so it will be irritating.
23.01.05 20:00
Post #25
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its all in the middle

and im at 1152x864, not much diffirence.

23.01.05 21:10
Post #26
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Quoted :: Jay


its all in the middle

and im at 1152x864, not much diffirence.

Yes, there is quite a difference.
24.01.05 12:52
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