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Hey btp! its been a long time, so I decided to get back on for just a mintue to post a few things, firstly, sense I haven't got to say this yet, happy new year! :D. Also, I had nothing to do with the hacking of btp, and I would also like to take this finaly chance to say i apologize for everything i've done to btp, I truely am sorry, I know I do not desurve a second chance, but if you ever feel like letting me back, just add me on msn and talk. Goodbye for now, i'll probably be bannified by somebody later on. :( oh well, I guess I desurve that :(
09.01.05 21:12
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09.01.05 21:15
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Eh...that was Kyle, right? I blocked his MSN months ago...
09.01.05 22:07
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Quoted :: Knifa


09.01.05 23:46
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Quoted :: Jay

Quoted :: Knifa


10.01.05 00:03
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Orangie Orgy
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Quoted :: Jay

Quoted :: Knifa


Wanna try and come back to a community of people who all hate you ;o?
10.01.05 01:55
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kyle, come closer to me so i can wring your neck.

Quoted :: Pioneer322

Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Quoted :: Jay

Quoted :: Knifa


Wanna try and come back to a community of people who all hate you ;o?

You not bright enough to have had anything to do with the BTP hacking
10.01.05 06:09
Post #7
Last edited: 10.01.05 06:15 (keeper - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
At least i have chicken!
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Kyls gone, rejoice and dance


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

10.01.05 08:09
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Hasn't there already been a thread about this?
Kyle finally throwing in the towel?


11.01.05 12:20
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Sadly, Runt is right. There already was another thread about Kyle's awayness. But he still came back...
11.01.05 12:51
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I bet he's just saying all this to fool us that he's not coming back.
But I bet he will, just leaving us in surprise that he's gone.


11.01.05 13:59
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Oh trust me, we'll have the shotguns loaded by then ;P By that I mean, the admins will...


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
12.01.05 22:39
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Quoted :: Thnikkaman

Oh trust me, we'll have the shotguns loaded by then ;P By that I mean, the admins will...

What? Your not loading one aswell?
Meh, your loss Thnikk


13.01.05 02:35
Post #13
Last edited: 13.01.05 02:35 (Runt - 1 times) [Hide Sig (10)] [Profile] [Quote]
om nom nom nom nom
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Quoted :: keeper

Quoted :: Pioneer322

Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Quoted :: Jay

Quoted :: Knifa


Silly boy, hes not even sure why he was banned in the first place.
14.01.05 16:52
Post #14
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looks like something i'm glad to have missed.
22.01.05 06:54
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