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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

Quoted :: Runt

When will the madness and freebies end?

Freebies? Who said anything about freebies? This is coming out of your taxes when you pay them. (real taxes, that is)

edit: ;)

Heh. Zog's been funnier lately :)
He's also had a strange sock odor...
But besides that..OMG! I'm going to pay an arm in a leg to my taxes! I have too much money. Maybe I can donate some a get a tax deductible!
13.01.05 23:14
Post #16
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Quoted :: C1

Heh. Zog's been funnier lately :)

The good thing is, he's online alot more often. Must have alot of time on your hands eh Zog?


14.01.05 01:26
Post #17
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My computer has a lot of time on its hands, and well, I guess I have a fairly large amount, my course is quite easy atm. I wouldn't say I actually am online personally alot more than before, just that I leave my comp on more.

You know I'm a dancing machine
14.01.05 12:37
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Well, at least you're finding time to visit the site, which is really all that matters. Of course, there's also the added benefit of some interesting posts when you've had one too many...
14.01.05 18:36
Post #19
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Erm, no. It was the introduction to the forum. And more useless than your thread? That's close to impossible.

22.04.05 12:16
Post #20
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