
BTForum » Other Stuff » BlameTheSuggestions » A fanfiction forum?

Poll: Would you like a fan fiction/storyboard forum?
Yes, and I would use it 2 users
Yes, for other people's sake 1 users
Hell no! 3 users
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I like to write. Wenever I have nothing else to do I sit at my computer and write one of my many stories. Alot of people would think its hard to write good stories. But it isnt and many people could if they tried.

This is why I propose to have a fan fiction/storyboard forum for all those users who like this kind of thing. Just as long as there ARE more users like that than just me.

So, if your in if your in favour of a forum like this or you would use it OR you dont want anything like this in BTP, vote in the poll so that I, and any admins, can see how popular something like this is.

Thankyou for your time.
09.01.05 17:55
Post #1
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[G]the candy man
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Stories as in... long things....

or stories as in crap stories of things that have happend to you...and such

I dont really see the point...
09.01.05 18:23
Post #2
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Stories of any kind written by the user. It needs to be in origanal writing context. I assume youve never come across a forum like this before?
09.01.05 19:03
Post #3
[Hide Sig (9)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Ohhhh. :)
I'd post my eyssay on "The Assasin" good fun writing that. Explaining someone's death etc etc...

09.01.05 19:04
Post #4
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I mean sure.. have it
09.01.05 19:20
Post #5
[Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Why do all the crap suggestions get done, but not the posts per page ?:x
10.01.05 18:06
Post #6
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Quoted :: Meiapaul

Why do all the crap suggestions get done, but not the posts per page ?:x

This suggestion is extremely easy to do. Much easier than your (great) suggestion. :P

10.01.05 18:47
Post #7
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I can see that this forum isnt as enthusiastic as others in doing RPG's, stories and other cool things like that. Its a shame really.

Oh wells, as long as a few people use it.
10.01.05 20:46
Post #8
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