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Quoted :: Glenn

Quoted :: xEViLxCAtx

So have this newposts page and when all new posts have been checked out, refresh the newposts page and see if any new ones have came. Very quick.

Yet it's still not that useful since you can acheive the same effect by refreshing forumindex.php.
Truth be told, I have never used a new posts page in my year and a half on forums. It's just easier to open everything else and see for yourself than see one page with a long list of stuff out of different forums.

Most of the options are useless if you do it some hard stupid way.

It's like saying "OH MSN is useless, we can talk on the forums"
06.01.05 21:53
Post #16
Last edited: 06.01.05 21:53 (C1 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Which we actually seem to be doing alot of :roll:.

However, opening the forum windows isn't some hard, stupid way. It's the logical way. It's logical to talk on MSN when you need to have a conversation. It's not logical, however, to conduct a conversation over a forum or e-mail. It's not logical to create a totally separate page to show all the new posts when it's just as easy to open the windows and show it, since it's going to take just as long to do that. Some admin though, out of the kindness of his heart, will overrule my logic and do it anyway, which I don't have a problem with. I just point out the useful/useless-ness of the option.
07.01.05 01:44
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It would take one query to make the page =/
07.01.05 04:34
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Quoted :: C1

It would take one query to make the page =/

To ask a stupid question, how many times are the admins motivated to do something we ask for? :roll:
07.01.05 13:51
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will probably finish it eventually, have a headache atm tho.. heh

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07.01.05 15:16
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Well...good start at least! :P

07.01.05 15:50
Post #21
Last edited: 07.01.05 15:50 (Khuzad - 1 times) [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I support the fact that people want this idea to go ahead. But for some people like me and C1, your here everyday viewing all the threads and new posts.
So, not really it is needed for us, but it's needed for the new members, people who aren't here everyday and the damn right lazy


07.01.05 16:15
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I like that option. Then I don't have to click a trillion links. Is it finished now? Those are ALL the threads o_O
07.01.05 20:31
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they are all except the ones in ignored forums.

Should have some extra columns on the table tho.

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07.01.05 22:13
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

they are all except the ones in ignored forums.

Should have some extra columns on the table tho.

Na it's fine. If I want to view the ignored forums, I'd unignore them :P
07.01.05 22:14
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

they are all except the ones in ignored forums.

Should have some extra columns on the table tho.

Inculdeing forums that you can't see?

08.01.05 19:08
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no, not including the forums you can't see, unless I made a mistake in the query.

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08.01.05 22:58
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No you didn't. It's perfect. Can you put it on the menu now?
08.01.05 23:11
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