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i was wondering that when u go on the internet on mobile phones, what would come up for blamethepixel?

maybe this is something to think about

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04.01.05 16:16
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[Bobland Illustrations] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Actually, no matter what page you view, you would get VERY small text with VERY small images and EVERYTHING IS TINY!

except if they implement some Scroll Right/Down/Up/Left thing that's easy to use.
04.01.05 16:31
Post #2
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he it woudl be possible to make a mobile friendly version of btp, but until we get all the source cleaned up i wouldnt even begin to attempt it

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
04.01.05 17:21
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[G]the candy man
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would anyone evel go on it anyway.....

wap costs are too expencive and it would take forever to write out a forum post.....
04.01.05 18:14
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Quoted :: ReadMe

he it woudl be possible to make a mobile friendly version of btp, but until we get all the source cleaned up i wouldnt even begin to attempt it

I think u should do it, it would be a fun project

Quoted :: The candy Man

would anyone evel go on it anyway.....

wap costs are too expencive and it would take forever to write out a forum post.....

WAP cost about 20 or 30p, it isn't that much.

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04.01.05 20:39
Post #5
[Bobland Illustrations] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]the candy man
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Quoted :: YBY

Quoted :: The candy Man

would anyone evel go on it anyway.....

wap costs are too expencive and it would take forever to write out a forum post.....

WAP cost about 20 or 30p, it isn't that much.

depends what you are charged for.....
If your charged for how much you download then i guess it would be Ok

but i have to pay for how long im on for.....

which is alot more expencive
04.01.05 21:41
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Quoted :: YBY

WAP cost about 20 or 30p, it isn't that much.

It would change due to the fact of which phone network you are with. It could cost anything from 0p to £1.


05.01.05 17:02
Post #7
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well, yeh your right

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05.01.05 17:51
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Quoted :: YBY

Quoted :: ReadMe

he it woudl be possible to make a mobile friendly version of btp, but until we get all the source cleaned up i wouldnt even begin to attempt it

I think u should do it, it would be a fun project

It wouldn't be very useful though, would it? I don't really know many that browse the intereweb on a mobile phone.

05.01.05 18:29
Post #9
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Pretty much everyone that visits BTP at the moment use a computer, not a phone. WAP sucks, anyway.
05.01.05 19:25
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I just tried it on my phone, it comes up with "Page cannot be displayed", did it before BTP had a re-design aswell
05.01.05 20:23
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I was on BTP from a series 60 Nokia smartphone running Opera.

No very small text and very small images as described above, everything's readable, but you have to scroll so much and it loads so slow... very slow.

05.01.05 20:30
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Quoted :: xEViLxCAtx

except if they implement some Scroll Right/Down/Up/Left thing that's easy to use.

The post that you mentioned, said this. I think you didn't see this one.
05.01.05 20:54
Post #13
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I seem to remember trying to load BTP on my phone a while ago. The poor thing ran out of memory...
05.01.05 21:22
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