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well, cyclaws is doing me the favor of archiving all the worms comics onto a flash for me, so I don't have to make 130 different sites for them all. once he's done, the site will be ready.

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
19.01.05 22:00
Post #106
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heh, thats just simply *not* the way to do it, unless he writes some form of backend for you to add mroe to the archive as you go...

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
19.01.05 22:15
Post #107
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Quoted :: ReadMe

heh, thats just simply *not* the way to do it, unless he writes some form of backend for you to add mroe to the archive as you go...

I agree with Readme. Why not just use his comic script? It's kinda handy. A couple of bugs in it, but you probably won't get any better with a flash file.
19.01.05 22:45
Post #108
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email me with the details of your web hosting package and I'll see if it'll be compatible.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
20.01.05 00:07
Post #109
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no no no. you misunderstand. the WORMS comic is getting archived as a flash file. there won't be any more worms comics, so there's no problem with doing them like that. the normal comic that starts on monday will be archived with a site-per-comic, unless someone can do it better.

the site's done on NotePad and the HTML is hand-written and EXTREMELY basic, if you're wondering. as for my hosting package or whatever, ask Pope, as he's hosting.

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
20.01.05 03:29
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and here's a double-post with today's comic! woo! or something!

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
20.01.05 17:35
Post #111
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well since pope's doing the hosting, and I have access to pope's hosting setup, i installed my comic management program for you, will pm with details.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
20.01.05 19:18
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Quoted :: ReadMe

well since pope's doing the hosting, and I have access to pope's hosting setup, i installed my comic management program for you, will pm with details.

Thing is, his last worm comic is tomorrow, so I'm just compiling them all into a flash animation, so that you can flick through them all at ease. There will be no more, and so I won't need to write a backend. From Monday, Sprited Apathy starts! :D

An image!
20.01.05 19:30
Post #113
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Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
24.01.05 02:54
Post #114
Last edited: 24.01.05 02:59 (Akuryou13 - 5 times) [Hide Sig (4)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Akuryou13

*runs off wildly*

ZOMG! You told!


24.01.05 04:03
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well, the archives are up and running, and that was all that was left. the comics starts tomorrow anyway, and the T17 board has known since thursday, so it really wasn't a big deal.

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
24.01.05 04:12
Post #116
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The flash archive stretches the comics...and makes them look like crap.
24.01.05 05:20
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trust me, I know. I'm getting ReadMe to install another of his comic archiver things for me, so I can make a better archive, cause the current one is ass on a stick.

no offense cyclaws.

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
24.01.05 05:49
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Quoted :: C1

The flash archive stretches the comics...and makes them look like crap.

One of the problems I had with the bigger ones, was that it didn't fit. I had to do that, which was a shame. All the rest should be okay though.

I *might* remake it sometime, when I find time to do so.

EDIT: Wait a sec, Aku, its not meant to be streched over the whole screen!

An image!
24.01.05 16:15
Post #119
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I couldn't find one comic in the flash archive that looked okay =/
24.01.05 21:19
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