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Hey Megalomaniac
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Yes. I got a scanner this Christmas. Let the chaos begin. I suspect I'll stop using it soon, unless I feel the need to post stuff ;P Here's the first one I scanned. I'll probs scan more laters.
SpoilerSpoiler (Click to Expand)Spoiler

EDIT: And BTW, these'll be mostly doodles. And huge. 'Cause I've just started out with it and don't know about resizing stuffage.


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
25.12.04 18:42
Post #1
Last edited: 25.12.04 18:44 (Thnikkaman - 1 times) [DA Gallery] [Hide Sig (3)] [Profile] [Quote]
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yes you do know how to resize images and the like.
Just open it with flash and i'm sure you can move stuff about and resize it.

25.12.04 18:45
Post #2
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[G]the candy man
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good drawings there...:D
25.12.04 20:36
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Yeah, very nice Thnikk. I'm hopeless at drawing... :/

25.12.04 21:05
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Thanks... I'll post more once I can:
-Scale pics without any trouble
-Select specific portions of teh pic
-Make the filesize reasonably low
All with Flash. It has to be possible. I'm just not good at finding things in a pro image tool without any help... and the HELP sections within are always... not terribly helpful.


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
25.12.04 23:36
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Very nice pics Thnikk, look forward to more doodles


26.12.04 04:43
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Thanks (again) ;) Anyone want their sigworm drawn? Otherwise I've nothing to draw. I'll try to color it, with pencils. It'll turn out well if I color and shade it right and do a good pen outline...


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
26.12.04 16:56
Post #7
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26.12.04 17:47
Post #8
Last edited: 26.12.04 17:48 (Jay - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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very nice picture you have there, also a very nice scanner what is it, 1400dpi?
26.12.04 17:52
Post #9
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Quoted :: Jay



please don't beg for that in public, there are people who'll do that if you pay them, and we don't have to know.:P:roll:

btw, draw my sigworm!

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
26.12.04 18:33
Post #10
Last edited: 26.12.04 22:57 (DreamEater - 2 times) [Hide Sig (4)] [Profile] [Quote]
Hey Megalomaniac
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Quoted :: Jay



XD Alrighty then. I'll do Wish, and Aku. The drawing'll be easy. It's from the minute I scan where it gets a bit tricky.

DreamEater edit: please remember to close your tags properly, its kinda annoying otherwise, cheers :D


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
26.12.04 23:16
Post #11
Last edited: 26.12.04 23:22 (DreamEater - 1 times) [DA Gallery] [Hide Sig (3)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Bastard, being able to draw proper faces and hair and all...

Cool XD
26.12.04 23:41
Post #12
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Yes. Done with Wish's wormy. He got a new wand for Christmas. Coloring scanned weird, too bright :P Anyway, SpoilerSpoiler (Click to Expand)Spoiler
EDIT: This was done quickly, that's why it looks rushed. Plus it was scanned supersized, magnifying the errors. I'll try and take more time next time...


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
27.12.04 00:02
Post #13
Last edited: 27.12.04 00:10 (Thnikkaman - 1 times) [DA Gallery] [Hide Sig (3)] [Profile] [Quote]
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wewt. thats well cool.
27.12.04 01:38
Post #14
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Gladja like it. This'll be my official doodling thread ;P SpoilerSpoiler (Click to Expand)Spoiler


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
27.12.04 02:24
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