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Poll: Do you think the user admin are doing the job properly?
Yes, they're great! 6 users
No, they're not! 1 users
Somewhat, they do a good job, but seem a bit paranoid/abusive. 8 users
Abstain 5 votes
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We applied user-admins to, more or less, tighten security around here, right? Well... it's certainly working. Almost too good. They're doing good at what they were meant to do, but simply banning someone for BEING someone may not be the best way to go around it. When they start doing suspicious stuff, take action. Maybe not a total ban, but perhaps certain site restrictions. Ever since the hax0rs, we have a reason to be paranoid of new people. We've no reason to believe that a hacker couldn't be straight around the corner. We don't blurt out directly, "Are you Kyle?" rather keeping a sharp eye on them. Any "funny business" and take action. As BTP is a rather free site, not near as strict as, oh, say, GameFAQs, we do need security kicked up a notch. Wow, look at this rant.

POINT: Security is good, but not to the degree where we cock the pistols too quick.

Here's another rough analogy. If an airline security member saw someone who looked like, uh, Osama Bin Laden or something (yes, it doesn't make too much sense but go with me) , he'd first take a sharp eye on him. He wouldn't blatantly shoot him on sight. He could be a plain ol' citizen.

Just a green fool's opinion...


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22.12.04 22:11
Post #16
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Orangie Orgy
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Current Uadmins
[]The Pope

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[]Unvalidated EmailBenServ

Just thought I'd point out the staff's position, tho i think the Uadmins should be bunped back down to 5
22.12.04 22:21
Post #17
Last edited: 03.01.05 05:07 (Pioneer322 - 6 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Out of the 7 User admins - Jay, Glenn, C1, Pio, Pope, Abd and DreamEater - I feel there are....Three who are doing their job well. I think three are too immature and quick to judge, too irrational and sometimes too damn arrogant for the job, and I think one doesn't do very much. One may be taken from the second category to the third category. I named no names, so speculate all you want :)
22.12.04 22:24
Post #18
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

the three names you suggest obviously point to j, me, and possibly dreameater.

Which Three names? those three arent in the same group anyway, so wrong.
22.12.04 22:28
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Orangie Orgy
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Well fine but you meant Uadmins so.. yeah. I suggested those names because there.. nvm grr
22.12.04 22:30
Post #20
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just to say: I removed your post knifa. Added nothing. And this thread was started by a uadmin, there are some perfectly valid opinions on this thread.

If only there were a way to have knifa do coding but not any of this stuff.

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23.12.04 10:56
Post #21
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[]The Pope
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Quoted :: Meiapaul

I think one doesn't do very much.

That'll be me then :D It's not that I don't want to do anything, usually someone else does something before I can.

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23.12.04 11:10
Post #22
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

just to say: I removed your post knifa. Added nothing. And this thread was started by a uadmin, there are some perfectly valid opinions on this thread.

If only there were a way to have knifa do coding but not any of this stuff.

I can't be arsed with this so I'm not going to post in any more of the topics like this, unless someone does something really bad.. or something like that
23.12.04 11:42
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

If only there were a way to have knifa do coding but not any of this stuff.

You could probably make another status, but it'd be a pain to code, and it doesn't help any that at the university you can't really do anything...

Quoted :: The Pope

Quoted :: Meiapaul

I think one doesn't do very much.

That'll be me then :D It's not that I don't want to do anything, usually someone else does something before I can.

Actually, I was sort of thinking DreamEater for that spot. Mostly since he's almost never on the site...
23.12.04 14:28
Post #24
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