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I've always liked aliens. thats why i tried to put aliens in WA. did anybody ever try that?
20.12.04 23:37
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Wtf are you on about?

Aliens? W:A? *confused*


21.12.04 00:42
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Well, you *could* get it to work if you knew how to edit the sprite sheets for the game...
But I have to agree. Wtf are you on anyway? You seem to be posting one pointless comment after the other...
21.12.04 01:18
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I made a predator game in worms once and a map for it. One player had 1 worm and the other had 3. The one with 1 worm got to use invis,chute,fire punch. The other worms got to use guns and stuff to hunt the "pred worm".

but anyways, what are you talking about?

27.12.04 20:45
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How did you go about putting aliens into w:a?

27.12.04 23:06
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Quoted :: blippy_worm

I've always liked aliens. thats why i tried to put aliens in WA. did anybody ever try that?

Haha, that post made me happy :)
27.12.04 23:53
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Quoted :: HarrY

How did you go about putting aliens into w:a?

You do as I said above. Edit the in-game sprite sheets...
28.12.04 19:25
Post #7
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