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Wow, nice pic Thnikk.

They are getting better everytime. Keep up the good work mate


16.12.04 00:51
Post #31
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Thanks mate ;)
<-- New avy. It only took like 3 minutes, but I HAVE to draw the Alien Hominid sometime. :D


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
16.12.04 00:56
Post #32
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Double Post!

Anyway, cool. I remember the good old flash game of that.
It was cool.


16.12.04 01:16
Post #33
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Hey Megalomaniac
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D'OH! I hit the Quick Quote instead of the QEdit :P


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
16.12.04 01:26
Post #34
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Quoted :: Runt

Double Post!

Anyway, cool. I remember the good old flash game of that.
It was cool.
there's also a version of that on the systems now. I wanna try it out, cause the flash version rocks.

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
16.12.04 03:47
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<--- 1337MAN made himself a hat.
16.12.04 05:39
Post #36
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[G]the candy man
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Quoted :: Thnikkaman

An image!
The avy sized one looked crap. So here. Any complaints on the ornaments or backpack and I'll yell. It's inevitable


thats my favorate of your work....

in a sick way, he looks kindof cute
16.12.04 08:16
Post #37
Last edited: 16.12.04 08:17 (The candy Man - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Nice pose on the thnikkaworm. But you forgot to put the white in the candy cane ;)

Im always doing the same thing. I now export my image and then CHECK it, for missed whites.
16.12.04 09:32
Post #38
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Quoted :: Thnikkaman

An image!
The avy sized one looked crap. So here. Any complaints on the ornaments or backpack and I'll yell. It's inevitable

w00t! You used my bauble idea.

Well, I made something christmassy, it's not very good. Only took 2 minuets. It gave me an excuse to make my pixel art worms tho.
An image!

Made minor adjustments.
An image!
16.12.04 11:26
Post #39
Last edited: 16.12.04 12:00 (XxfuzzballxX - 3 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
Hey Megalomaniac
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Quoted :: The Wishmaster

Nice pose on the thnikkaworm. But you forgot to put the white in the candy cane ;)

Im always doing the same thing. I now export my image and then CHECK it, for missed whites.

I DID?! Crap, I didn't notice it on my design XP thanks for the comments anyways. It's a glass candy cane, I guess.


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
16.12.04 12:39
Post #40
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Quoted :: The Wishmaster

Im always doing the same thing. I now export my image and then CHECK it, for missed whites.

Why not set canvas colour to blue and back just before you export?

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
18.12.04 18:46
Post #41
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Quoted :: ReadMe

Quoted :: The Wishmaster

Im always doing the same thing. I now export my image and then CHECK it, for missed whites.

Why not set canvas colour to blue and back just before you export?

i do now. :D
20.12.04 11:00
Post #42
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