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Welcome to another news update. I havn't been keeping up to date with this place much, But i felt an update was required to let you people know I'm Still Alive.

I also felt that I should post up my "Simple RPGing in X amount of steps" guide.

SpoilerSpoiler (Click to Expand)Spoiler

Secondly, On a joint desicion between myself and Joe. A new rule will be put in place.

No more Game/Movie RPs

After the FFVII RP has finished, this rule will be put in place. But generic game/movie RPs are still allowed(EG a Movie kung fu show down)*

Psymon Stark,
Signing off.

11.12.04 19:58
Post #1
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[G]the candy man
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so no more final fantacy?


i mean i like final fantacy and all....but those rpgs just bore me shitless
11.12.04 23:37
Post #2
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