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[]The Pope
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Ideas for actual sports that athletes compete in the world olympics.

I'll create map(s) and scemes for these if others like the sound of them but they won't be held for a while, as to not crowd the currently planned olympics...

Vertical bits of land increase and decrease in height. Each team (only two teams can participate at once) has 4 worms where they have to make it from one side of the course, only ever touching the tops of the hurdles, to the other.

Only one of the worms has to make it across but be careful as each worm only has 1 health. If you fall, you have to begin once more with another worm at the start. If you run out of worms, you lose.

Varying thicknesses will give some challenges, aswell as different heights (although within jumping distance), will make the event harder.

The lower half of the map will house one team and the upper half will house another. Each turn is 15 seconds. Game ends when one team reaches the other end or a team has no worms left.

Long Jump:
3 teams participate in each game. Each team has 4 worms. The map will be a flat course (divided into 3 equal parts, where only one team will occupy each sector).

The team begins at one end of the map and in a compact, single layer of worms (like in a conga line). They must make it as far as they can in the given time by moving the furthest back worm over the 3 infront of it, to the front, where it'll form the conga line once more.

There will be a 180 round time (if that's possible on WA). The team must get as far as they can. Once their round is up, a judge who will be present, will record how far they managed to long hop. There will be measured incriments on the terrain to display the distance.

3 teams can particpate at once. Each team has one worm. The map will have a target at one end and the teams at the other. When it is a team's go, they step up to the shooting range spot, which will be marked, where they take aim at the target.

The target will be as high as the map allows. It will be about 2 worms width, and the higher you go, the smaller the score segment is, but the higher the score you recieve from hitting that part. Each segment will display a score you recieve. A judge who will be present, will be recording the scores for each team as they fire their arrows.

Only at the end, will the scores for each team will be revealed. The team with the highest score total will win that game.

I'll think up some more later on. Feel free to come up with your own; just be sure to give an indepth description.

Learn to look, look to learn.
11.12.04 11:09
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Last edited: 11.12.04 11:13 (The Pope - 1 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
stop looking at me!
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You can reserve your tournament the site!
Please name the scheme of your tourney, the date for it to occur and the duration of the tourney

variation to pole vault:
only weapon is bungee. You have to use the bungee to reach a height as high as possible
The height will be recorded by means of 1-pixel(eek)-lines made horizontally.

If necessary: extra rule! you're not allowed to lose your turn in the vault! If you lose your turn in the jump, then it's not a valid jump.

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11.12.04 14:38
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I hope that you'll not only provide maps and schemes, but a replay to show exactly what you're talking about...
11.12.04 20:43
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Sounds confusing as Glenn said, but fun as well. I'd like to see some replays
11.12.04 20:53
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At least i have chicken!
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I like the archery idea but don't really grasp how the others will work.


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

11.12.04 22:06
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Very good ideas. I'll be in it :D
11.12.04 22:37
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[G]the candy man
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yeah....sounds kindof like to see a replay or watch someone else play first
11.12.04 23:36
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