
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms World Party Discussion » Scheme probs

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I got 3 wwp schemes (.wsc) in my user/schemes folder. None of them does pop up in the game's scheme list, theres only the normal ones like full wormage, intermediate, pro etc. Why don't they pop up?
07.12.04 19:51
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I think you've got W:A schemes, they have the same .wsc file format but another structure.

You can convert schemes to WWP format by SchemeWorks(look in [url=[]=11]Programs[/url]). Also you can just get schemes for same game types, but for WWP.

07.12.04 20:37
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no. they are wwp schemes..
08.12.04 09:50
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Would the patch not being applyed have something to do with it?
Or maybe a pirate copy of WWP?

Not saying either of the above are correct but it's my thought


10.12.04 01:51
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