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Also make the green ground more detailed. It's just a plain green ground at the moment and very boring looking.
07.12.04 20:57
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It's actually not plain, it's just that the darkness makes it seem that way. That's the one thing I don't think I can do anything about, because I don't think I have an image from before I merged the entire bottom layer. The only stuff I can actually edit from my current version are the moon, the fire, Frog, Magus, the stars, and the level of darkness.

I might try something though...
07.12.04 21:29
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Perhaps making the top of the ground just not so straight then..That would probably be sufficient
07.12.04 21:48
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Well I've got version 3.0 here. This time I'm going to stack all the images in this post. The first one is at the top, the latest one is at the bottom, and the middle one is in the... um... center (bet you thought I'd say middle :P).

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Let me guess. Magus is too transparent now, right?
08.12.04 01:12
Post #19
Last edited: 08.12.04 01:14 (Glenn - 1 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
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It looks better.
See where the ground meets the sky? Can you make the horizon part more landish? Land isn't a straight line.
08.12.04 03:02
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Now I think you're just being picky :P. I'll see what I can do tomorrow evening, it's too late to do anything about it now.
08.12.04 05:18
Post #21
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Im still thinking even though you madethe magus guy less visable. He still looks out of place.

Might i suggest another method.

Make him slightly more visable. But blur him? i dont know if that would ruin the whole "spritey block" thang going on with these things, but im kind of unsure, why he looks out of place.

That bar the whole, giant guy in the sky thing of course. :P
08.12.04 10:11
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Well, I could try that, but last time I tried to blur him it just made him look more transparant instead of actually doing anything. But I can try again. And I tried to put a glow around him to show he isn't really there, but it doesn't look good beyond a one-pixel glow (which is what he has in the latest version).
08.12.04 14:13
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Well, here we go again. Sig! Fourth Edition! Buy it today, and I'll throw in absolutely nothing extra!

An image!

Edit: Meant to edit instead of post. Ah well... :evil:
09.12.04 01:45
Post #24
Last edited: 09.12.04 01:47 (Glenn - 1 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
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thats alot better!

I have one more idea. Though i wouldnt be surprised if you wanted to keep that one.

Give the Magus image a colour screen of the same colour as the sky. Then make him about 50% opacity.

I dont know about the "glow" some people like it. But since this is my opinion. Its a bit too much.
09.12.04 09:16
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Well, the glow is now at zero pixels away and 75% opacity IIRC (in other words, virtually nonexistant). I don't think the screen would work though. Magus is on the very top layer (layer 3). Moving him down to layer two (the other scenery and black... filter I guess you'd call it?), makes him almost invisible, and moving him to the background layer makes him completely invisible. Putting a screen over him will distort the sky. So, unless anyone else has other comments, I'll probably be adding it to my sig rotation and declaring it final.
09.12.04 21:38
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The land looks a bit better. Looks as if you used blur to make it look like less of a straight line.
Looks like it is getting to be a good sig.
09.12.04 21:45
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Quoted :: C1

The land looks a bit better. Looks as if you used blur to make it look like less of a straight line.
Looks like it is getting to be a good sig.

Yep, I used the blur tool, with a ten pixel radius and maximum intensity, mostly because I couldn't think of anything better to do (that didn't surpass my current skills).
10.12.04 01:14
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I think it's fine the way it is.
Except for that the writing in the corner is a bit small.
But I'm no image expert so I'll stay out the way


10.12.04 01:49
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I'm trying to keep it out of the way. I want it in there so that maybe people that havn't played Chrono Trigger can figure out what's going on, but I don't want it to detract from the image.
10.12.04 02:09
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