
BTForum » Main BTP Stuff » BlameTheGeneralDiscussion » You cant rate users down yet..

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It has become apparent you are abusing the money system. Please join us in btp chat to discuss the matter fully. Failure to comply will result in the removal of this account.

- J
Fuck you wishmaster, you are a fucking shitbag, I would aviod you like the plague, yes, I fucked with the money system a little, so fucking what, I only made about 10 pounds in the doing, which I did not even use in any way, I abused the money system a little because I spent all of my money on the lottery.
You have a last chance to join us in btp chat. To discuss the situation. Again failure to do so will only result in the permanent removal of your account.


User abusing pages in ame way that other users have. User did not do as asked. And instead retaliating in a hostile manner.

User was given another chance to discuss situation, and was clearly informed of concequences.

Subject was terminated - Failure to comply given suitable warning.
05.12.04 01:11
Post #31
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Orangie Orgy
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And dont be accusing me of doing it for the love of god.
05.12.04 01:12
Post #32
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I guess kyle is just a spammer who just won't give up, annoying mc.shitbag.
05.12.04 01:19
Post #33
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Quoted :: SegaSonic

I guess kyle is just a spammer who just won't give up, annoying mc.shitbag.

Mc. shitbag, lol thats a good one. I never knew who kyle was, I just joined a few mintues ago.
05.12.04 03:05
Post #34
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Why would you even mention kyle. BECAUSE YOU ARE KYLE!
05.12.04 17:06
Post #35
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