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Im the kind of guy who likes everything to be formally working. This dosnt include typing in things into the address bar to be able to feed other pixel pets, which proberbly wasnt diliberate anyway. Forgive me for being picky but I would like to suggest a link on every pet pixel's page saying "feed this pixel" and maybe even a history of who fed yours, such as the history data that comes with the ratings.

I quite like the idea, but it depends if other people do as well.:?
02.12.04 00:35
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I think he has a good point there. The way it is done at the minuet is kind of random and kind of exploting the php code.


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

02.12.04 11:19
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Exploiting a code shouldn't be the only way to feed other people's pixels. There should be some other way for that.
02.12.04 20:02
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It should take about a minute for knifa to put a "Feed pixel" button for each pixel. I think it's a good idea.

02.12.04 20:12
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if i hadn't just closed my editor which had that very page open then i'd have added this - maybe later.

Also - the code that stops you feeding other people's pixels is actually still there. I guess knifa;'s login really is crap if it still allows you =p

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
02.12.04 20:29
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And what about the history of feedings your pixel has had?
02.12.04 21:09
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Quoted :: ReadMe

if i hadn't just closed my editor which had that very page open then i'd have added this - maybe later.

Also - the code that stops you feeding other people's pixels is actually still there. I guess knifa;'s login really is crap if it still allows you =p

I believe he disabled that code so that when peopl e were away, others could feed their pets.
02.12.04 22:23
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so did i, but it's not actually commented out or anything - it's just crap =D

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
04.12.04 10:52
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I think its a good idea.My pixel died over the weekend.
[sniff] poor Blippy :cry:
12.01.05 03:52
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Yes, this idea is fanastic!
It would be good if you could "monitor" pixels. So then you get the (pixel name) wants feeding. link that the top. :)

12.01.05 16:36
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My pixel died during hibernation o_O

15.01.05 05:16
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Quoted :: blippy_worm

I think its a good idea.My pixel died over the weekend.
[sniff] poor Blippy :cry:

Thread Revival! The horror!

Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

My pixel died during hibernation o_O

Maybe its Max Health was 0% and it couldn't do anything, except die.
15.01.05 15:18
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OMG! My pet is going to die soon! It only has 16% health left! Noooooooo! Not C-P1x3l! He's the only pixel like him!
15.01.05 17:57
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My pixel, Fluffy, died ages ago. Haven't got around to bringing her back yet


15.01.05 18:16
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Quoted :: xEViLxCAtx

Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

My pixel died during hibernation o_O

Maybe its Max Health was 0% and it couldn't do anything, except die.
Yeah that happened to mine too. I think it would be better if they lived longer than a couple of months. Maybe about 4 months.

15.01.05 20:23
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