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so you don't play it off the CD?

12.07.03 08:49
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reinstall DirectX.

12.07.03 11:15
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let me see if wwp is working.
12.07.03 16:15
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1. matix change ur pre-sig to center it and bold it. confuses me wiht the actually post.

2. i have Windows XP it works fine. But i dont know about any of the new types. they might not be compatible since worms is such an old game. (win 95) also....(C1 loses thought and thinks very long on wtf he was talking about...) well i dont remember wat i was talking about so ill finish my post
13.07.03 04:42
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I ahven't been bothered to read the problem. If the game crashing is WA then be sure you have installed the right patch and if you need a patch. I ahve often installed the US one instead of UK patch and it has messed up my WA game.

Learn to look, look to learn.
13.07.03 15:11
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Hmm.. I have WWP, and a while ago when I installed a demo of W2, WWP didn't work. Maybe two Worms games installed at the same time mess up.
30.07.03 17:35
Post #6
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