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Orangie Orgy
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Well, with all of the users on BTP, it gets really hard trying to find a certain users and a bit of info about em. So...
I'm suggesting that there should be a Search User function, to where you would type the first 2-3 letters of something like... Kyl
and it shows up with results beginning with Kyl
23.11.04 04:50
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That would be useful. At the moment there is no easy way to find a user's profile if he isn't linked at the page you are at.
23.11.04 06:39
Post #2
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]the candy man
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well if you no the user you are looking for just use GOES HERE
23.11.04 11:50
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Orangie Orgy
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Thats if I know the user im looking for, Im talking about a group of users And info about them in a single table with info like

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23.11.04 16:19
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Quoted :: The candy Man

well if you no the user you are looking for just use GOES HERE

That takes some time and is not the most efficient way I could think of. If they added a box for it (as on Softbrain), it would be faster.
23.11.04 16:34
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[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Dingbats

Quoted :: The candy Man

well if you no the user you are looking for just use GOES HERE

That takes some time and is not the most efficient way I could think of. If they added a box for it (as on Softbrain), it would be faster.

Does softbrain allow you to type only fragments of the user's name?
23.11.04 20:55
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[G]the candy man
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Quoted :: C1

Does softbrain allow you to type only fragments of the user's name?

Just tested it

and the answer is no
23.11.04 21:43
Post #7
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Well then their search function is basically useless.

Oh there's another thing I can fix on your site Dingbats. I know how to create that search function better. I did so on
23.11.04 22:44
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[G]the candy man
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i dont see why dingbats needs a search anyway.....
there isnt enough users.

If you need to find someone just go on list all
24.11.04 11:12
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> List All Users, click here
> Press CTRL+F
> Type the username or fragments of it on the box and press Enter
> Repeat until you find your user.
24.11.04 13:37
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Orangie Orgy
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Thats only for that specific page, and the page isnt that long I could have just used my eyes.
I'm talking about the Entire list of users what dont some of you get?
24.11.04 16:58
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Truth be told, this shouldn't be very hard. I mean, we can search tens of thousands of posts using the search, so it can't be hard to do 2000+ users. Now we just have to wait for the admins to give us a sign.
24.11.04 21:57
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Quoted :: Glenn

Truth be told, this shouldn't be very hard. I mean, we can search tens of thousands of posts using the search, so it can't be hard to do 2000+ users. Now we just have to wait for the admins to give us a sign.

The forum search sucks tho =/ It never works ever for me. The file search works well however here. It'd be really simple to make a user search. REALLY simple.
25.11.04 21:13
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They should also add it to every page, so you don't have to go to the list users page every time.
26.11.04 15:34
Post #14
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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that would be useful, but with wildcards ( * and ?), to find fast and avoid the Xx_name_xX chars for example.


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27.11.04 12:36
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