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pixville rennovations 6 users
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pixelpets optimizing 3 users
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If pixville2 houses get used as pixel pet hotels, it would optimize the pixel pets and renovate the pixville system. :D


Artwork by the wishmaster.

27.11.04 12:37
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Quoted :: Falkra

If pixville2 houses get used as pixel pet hotels, it would optimize the pixel pets and renovate the pixville system. :D

I like that idea. I'd also like to see tendants and forums again there too. But this time, the forums can notify us of new posts.
27.11.04 16:08
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I abstian. BTP is not a democracy :P

28.11.04 02:56
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At least i have chicken!
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It should be! I dont' care how many people whine about democracy but is the most fair way to do anything. It is the one way where you can be sure you are pleasing the majority (well those wh care enough to vote anyway!)


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

28.11.04 21:40
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Yes, but it's different when the ruling people have the power to ban or delete you without any consequences. See the problem with democracy on a website now?
28.11.04 23:45
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If I owned BTP, there would be no democracy! If everyone was against my decision, we wouldn't move far, would we?

29.11.04 00:30
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Quoted :: clarkey252

It should be! I dont' care how many people whine about democracy but is the most fair way to do anything. It is the one way where you can be sure you are pleasing the majority (well those wh care enough to vote anyway!)

what the people want is not always what's best. I mean there are lots of ideas and people think "yeh that sounds amazing", but often people don't think about the implications and consequences of certain systems. Also we can't code instantly, if at-all. ;).

You know I'm a dancing machine
29.11.04 21:44
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

what the people want is not always what's best. I mean there are lots of ideas and people think "yeh that sounds amazing", but often people don't think about the implications and consequences of certain systems. Also we can't code instantly, if at-all. ;).

Then again, there are also times that the people do want what's best, but the leadership are blinded from it. A good example would be every president since Reagen (read: Bush, Clinton, and did I mention Bush?).
And YOU may not be able to code from the university, but knifa certainly can, if he can bothered to do it ;).
30.11.04 00:53
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Quoted :: Glenn

And YOU may not be able to code from the university, but knifa certainly can, if he can bothered to do it ;).

Hence the word instantly. There are things people want that would take a long time.

You know I'm a dancing machine
30.11.04 10:42
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