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Plus, it will cost a bit to send it up to Scotland Vision.
How much do you want painting?


19.11.04 21:14
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Wow. Those models are expensive :P It must really stack up to make a huge squad...


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
19.11.04 21:16
Post #17
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Wish, is btp money ok? or does it have to be real :?
And runt, i want them all painting from start to finish. :)
19.11.04 22:38
Post #18
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Oops, my bad. That wasn't what the question meant.
Should have made it "make more sense".

It was supposed to mean...
'How many do you want painting?'


20.11.04 00:11
Post #19
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Theres about 30... lol, all dust collecting in my wardrobe.
20.11.04 10:27
Post #20
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Eat my socks.
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I've never anything like warhammer, and i'm a crap painter so I 'spose I could never pait a warhammer model. I can't even paint a noodle. Embarrising stuff. :oops:

An image!
20.11.04 14:39
Post #21
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Quoted :: P-107

I've never anything like warhammer, and i'm a crap painter so I 'spose I could never pait a warhammer model. I can't even paint a noodle. Embarrising stuff. :oops:

I'll just correct that for you, it's a tad confusing. :|

"I've never painted anything like warhammer, i'm a crap painter so I supose I couldn't paint warhammer model. I can't even paint a noodle, embarrasing(<- proberly spealt wrong) stuff. :oops:
20.11.04 15:55
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