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Quoted :: Thnikkaman

Thing is, I'm not sure if I'll look any different there ;P

Your first appearance in the comic is this frame:

...No, you're not the one with the helmet. :P

I'm not actually planning to reveal your real body for one or more episodes, makes you seem more mysterious and evil :D No one working for you knows what you look like :twisted:

22.11.04 23:02
Post #61
Last edited: 22.11.04 23:04 (joetheeskimo5 - 2 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Thats a point Joe, when is episode 4 going to be ready?


22.11.04 23:05
Post #62
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Quoted :: joetheeskimo5

Quoted :: Thnikkaman

Thing is, I'm not sure if I'll look any different there ;P

Your first appearance in the comic is this frame:

...No, you're not the one with the helmet. :P

I'm not actually planning to reveal your real body for one or more episodes, makes you seem more mysterious and evil :D No one working for you knows what you look like :twisted:

He looks boring without a face tho =/ Kinda looks like a pink pop bottle :p


On another subject:

I also made a sig for Gollum because of auctions awhile ago. And I'm too lazy to look for the file amongst 150 files that I have uploaded, so I just uploaded a new one from a screen shot.
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22.11.04 23:20
Post #63
Last edited: 22.11.04 23:27 (C1 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
Hey Megalomaniac
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Quoted :: C1

Kinda looks like a pink pop bottle :p

...WHAT? I didn't catch that at ALL :P
(@ Joe, am I a huge worm? As I see it, I'd be about 4 times the size of the admiral :twisted: Can't wait for teh new eps.)

I should come out in the final battle (?) in a huge mechanoid! ...I'm strangely drawn to Flash...


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
22.11.04 23:43
Post #64
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Quoted :: C1

I also made a sig for Gollum because of auctions awhile ago. And I'm too lazy to look for the file amongst 150 files that I have uploaded, so I just uploaded a new one from a screen shot.
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That's awesome, what's the point of making him the sig that he won in my auction? :(

Quoted :: Thnikkaman

...WHAT? I didn't catch that at ALL :P
(@ Joe, am I a huge worm? As I see it, I'd be about 4 times the size of the admiral :twisted: Can't wait for teh new eps.)

Well, I could tell you, but do you really want it all to be spoiled? I could PM you, or put it in Spoiler brakets with a wanring laberl?
22.11.04 23:44
Post #65
Last edited: 22.11.04 23:46 (joetheeskimo5 - 2 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
The power of the Ring Compels j00
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Coz i won C1's naneplate auction. Might I suggest you have the nameplate you were going 2 make as a snapshot of who I am going to be in the pixel comic?


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

23.11.04 09:54
Post #66
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my porttrait avatar...

23.11.04 14:17
Post #67
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[G]the candy man
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thats great
i like how your hands are cominng out of the picture
23.11.04 14:55
Post #68
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Ooooh. Nice work :) Is it a worm or a person? He has arms, shoulders and a neck, but he doesn't have a nose or ears... do you always look that evil? ;)


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
23.11.04 20:52
Post #69
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Quoted :: joetheeskimo5

Quoted :: C1

I also made a sig for Gollum because of auctions awhile ago. And I'm too lazy to look for the file amongst 150 files that I have uploaded, so I just uploaded a new one from a screen shot.
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That's awesome, what's the point of making him the sig that he won in my auction? :(

Quoted :: Thnikkaman

...WHAT? I didn't catch that at ALL :P
(@ Joe, am I a huge worm? As I see it, I'd be about 4 times the size of the admiral :twisted: Can't wait for teh new eps.)

Well, I could tell you, but do you really want it all to be spoiled? I could PM you, or put it in Spoiler brakets with a wanring laberl?

You should watch auctions more ;) Gollum bidded on 3 nameplate auctions.
23.11.04 21:19
Post #70
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Quoted :: joetheeskimo5

Well, I could tell you, but do you really want it all to be spoiled? I could PM you, or put it in Spoiler brakets with a wanring laberl?

No, no, I want it to be a surprise ;) Just a comment on my big eyes (poet n' didn't know it)


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
23.11.04 21:51
Post #71
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I'm going on a 5-hour trip to my grandparents' tomorrow, won't be back till Saturday, so I'm afraid I won't be working on the comic. Cya all next week, if anyone wants their comic char preview posted on Saturday (ill be back in the afternoon) I'll post it then. ;)
23.11.04 22:05
Post #72
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An image!

I made this with one of Bloopy's programs, Make-A-Bloopy. I actually made this a while ago, but I'm putting it here out of boredom. :P

By the way, would it be possible for someone to resize this into an avatar?

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23.11.04 23:43
Post #73
Last edited: 23.11.04 23:45 (Sonicrazy - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Here you go:

...althouhg IMO its not that good as an av :? I mae it 100 x 72, unles you want me to make it bigger....
24.11.04 02:11
Post #74
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Acrap spelr
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can some one make the entire cast of fallout 1 and 2 as worms
*thinks how cool the "vault wormer" sounds*

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24.11.04 02:48
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