
BTForum » BlameTheOffTopic Forums » BlameTheArt » ImageBoard!

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uh, i coded an imageboard on knd..

start uploading stuff to it,. you can comment on other peoples images/etc, you have to be signed in to upload tho, but you dont need to be signed in to comment (although it will say you are Anon)

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ps: my site recently had to get an old backup on, so anything you uploaded after the October 10th will be gone. BlameTheSurpassHosting.
13.11.04 10:43
Post #1
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comment on my pc or ill murder you.
13.11.04 11:49
Post #2
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wow, no one cares about the imageboard :(
13.11.04 17:08
Post #3
[Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I do. *hugs* none sexualy, of course.

Whats the file size limit?
13.11.04 17:10
Post #4
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i think its around 5mb, jpg+jpeg, gif and png only, extensions are case sensitive, they have to be lower case (ill fix it later)
13.11.04 18:48
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You need to make it so the page knows page page your own so # your on isn't clickable. Other than that, the page seems fine and dandy.
13.11.04 19:07
Post #6
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okay, the extension needing to be lowercase is fixed
14.11.04 12:36
Post #7
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