
BTForum » Main BTP Stuff » BlameTheGeneralDiscussion » New Weapon?

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Yes, it should be in W:A! 0 users
Yes, it's pretty good. 4 users
It's OK... 2 users
No, you can do better. 4 users
No! Go die! 5 users
Abstain 6 votes
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Quoted :: Pilki-AKA-Gollum

i know that. but it does seem fairly unfair to the wwp users that t17 patches w:a when wwp is the newer game

I lost my WWP CD and I haven't bothered to find it. If I ever find it on accident, it'll probably be thrown away, or used as a FRISBEE!
12.11.04 18:31
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Quoted :: SegaSonic

Oh, the things i would do to have a sniper rifle as a weapon.

It is one...It's called a utility.
12.11.04 21:18
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yeah...Laser sight with a shotgun or pistol
12.11.04 21:26
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A sniper rifle? That would be a challenge for me.

12.11.04 21:47
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Zippy, I hate to break it to you, but all you've done here is edited the bazooka sprite, changed the color to green, given it a name, and posted a thread saying you want it to be added when there's already the Mortar weapon in Worms. :roll:
13.11.04 20:23
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Then what would be a better thing to make? The Sniper? The "Yes, it should be in W:A!" choice is kind of a joke, at least now it is.

13.11.04 20:30
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Quoted :: joetheeskimo5

Zippy, I hate to break it to you, but all you've done here is edited the bazooka sprite, changed the color to green, given it a name, and posted a thread saying you want it to be added when there's already the Mortar weapon in Worms. :roll:

That's why the "No! Go die!" option is avaliable :lol: j/k

13.11.04 20:32
Post #22
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Hehe... Wow Khuzad you make a big funny.

13.11.04 20:42
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Quoted :: Khuzad

Quoted :: joetheeskimo5

Zippy, I hate to break it to you, but all you've done here is edited the bazooka sprite, changed the color to green, given it a name, and posted a thread saying you want it to be added when there's already the Mortar weapon in Worms. :roll:

That's why the "No! Go die!" option is avaliable :lol: j/k

I voted Abstain.
14.11.04 00:36
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I dont think this weapon should be in W:A because all you really did is change the, but nj anyway.


The bunny owns you :>)
14.11.04 02:58
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Quoted :: Zippy

Hehe... Wow Khuzad you make a big funny.

I make a big funny? Err...what do you mean exactly?

I voted "No! Go die!" btw, no offence :lol:

14.11.04 18:23
Post #26
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Quoted :: Khuzad
I voted "No! Go die!" btw, no offence :lol:

That makes sense...
14.11.04 18:57
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Quoted :: Pilki-AKA-Gollum

i know that. but it does seem fairly unfair to the wwp users that t17 patches w:a when wwp is the newer game

Deadcode patches it, not team17.
14.11.04 19:34
Post #28
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At least i have chicken!
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why doesnt he do WWP aswell?


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

15.11.04 16:24
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Oh clarkey, believe me your not the first to ask that. Can some1 give an answer instead of saying, "omg go buy W:A!1"?

16.11.04 21:28
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