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Quoted :: Atomic52

Lol maybe he meant look at C1's (or look at mine). His is custom, an I'm sure that amins could read PMs through the DB if they really wanted...

Then that would kinda defeat the object of it being a private message wouldn't it?


28.11.05 23:10
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No it wouldn't it's private from all but a few people on BTP. (The Staff)



29.11.05 01:42
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I'm pretty sure that long hair is available to everyone. There should be an option in your profile for it...
29.11.05 02:48
Post #63
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Quoted :: Runt

Quoted :: Atomic52

Lol maybe he meant look at C1's (or look at mine). His is custom, an I'm sure that amins could read PMs through the DB if they really wanted...

Then that would kinda defeat the object of it being a private message wouldn't it?

they can view PM's but theres no reason why
even then you'd have to get the correct pm id number to view it and they cant view your PM list
so nyer
29.11.05 09:06
Post #64
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I heard it in the shoutbox, admins can't read deleted PMs. and Abd, I didn't see that message. I don't know why, but I didn't.
29.11.05 17:17
Post #65
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Orangie Orgy
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if a PM is deleted, then were does it go?
its gone, simple as that
29.11.05 17:58
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It stands to reason that when something gets deleted, there's no point in holding it in the database...
29.11.05 22:39
Post #67
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the new PM system keep deleted ones, the one thats still in use doesnt.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
30.11.05 00:33
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