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Is there any way to get symbols like ~~, [[]]] and <> in your nick name that you type in at the wormnet login?
Is there?
Thx already! :D
06.11.04 19:36
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Orangie Orgy
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Nop.. just numbers and letters
06.11.04 20:22
Post #2
Last edited: 06.11.04 20:22 (Pioneer322 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
06.11.04 21:04
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Actually the symbol ` can be used on standard wormnet, at least on WA it can. People have tried hacks and things to get other characters but it tends to just make a mess.


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I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
07.11.04 10:20
Post #4
[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Its ` and -, and when ive used it, and ive seen others it doesn't look to bad, infact quite smart, unless you have something like "Vision`-`---`--`" which doesn't look good...I think i had "`Vision`ec`" when i had my old 2 man clan ec.
07.11.04 14:08
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But how? I keep pressing --- and ``` And there is nothing..?
07.11.04 16:58
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Orangie Orgy
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Its very technical, by editing the serverlist.html and the Win.ini files.
But I dont think it works now with all the patches and all
07.11.04 17:09
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Is there any tutorial for it?
07.11.04 17:57
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Orangie Orgy
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07.11.04 21:22
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I always go there when i need help with that.
07.11.04 21:42
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Can some1 upload the modified WA.exe somewhere? I can find anything like 12345 or ABCDE. Im using haxplorer.
13.11.04 10:15
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13.11.04 14:57
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Eat my socks.
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I've never needed to use a help site because I just do stuff like walliceandgromet or whatever and such and such. No symbols in other words.

An image!
14.11.04 18:00
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Lots of symbols makes you look like a retard anyway, i only need one x to seperate ABD from Knifa

ABDxKnifa ^^
15.11.04 08:25
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Using ` and - makes you become a fucking asshat. They make you think you're cool, but you are actually a retard.
15.11.04 12:26
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