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I made a site with my stuff, and some of Annelid's stuff. It's my first time making a site with ALL HTML so yeah...

Here's the link, Clicky!

06.11.04 00:46
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looks pretty sweet, nice site, gl with it :)


The bunny owns you :>)
06.11.04 03:25
Post #2
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Nice Site Zip Zip, i have always wanted my own worms site..
06.11.04 10:50
Post #3
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[G]the candy man
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thats great
and very easy to use
06.11.04 10:56
Post #4
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I also like the way you have taken sreenshots of all the proggrams you have included, not many sites do that.
06.11.04 10:58
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I was gonna do that for the schemes too just to spice up the scheme pages but I don't know if there's any point in that.

06.11.04 15:28
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Holidays tomorrow, back here and on WN.
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I like it, and the design is nice. Good job Zippy. :)


Artwork by the wishmaster.

06.11.04 18:50
Post #7
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Nicely done my friend.
A good idea would be catigorizations of the different types of maps.
Just an idea of course ;)


06.11.04 19:31
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Yes I know, I'll get to that sometime. It would take long as hell tho.

06.11.04 22:14
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[G]simon (swed simon)
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Just here to say nice work then I'll be off. Ehem: *looks trough documents* *cough up some unknown yellow stuff* *drink water* *looks more in the documents*

Cool outside and usefull inside. Nice work.
06.11.04 22:35
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Hey Zippy, why haven't you uploaded all those maps to Contra Clan?
07.11.04 00:36
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What? No sigworms page? *leaves site*

;) jk. That's pretty awesome, I loaded my WWP folder with content taken from there. I love the "Zippy's Database" logo, has pretty cool lettering. The background is very similar to the one on Thorask's Design here on BTP, but no matter :P

But yeah, you should add a sigs page to make graphic-design-obsessed geeks like me happy. :D
07.11.04 02:50
Post #12
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

nice site, I like design
but i havent got time to check content:D
07.11.04 16:16
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DARN. No BattyRopes. Wish Not Granted.

Nice design, just that the "recordings" button goes to a 2nd line on the front page.
07.11.04 16:28
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yeah, it is good.
does need a sig worms page though ;)

09.11.04 23:24
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