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I'm trying to create multiple delay times with overlib. I want a long delay time for user names and a short delay time for map files. Only problem is, you can only set one delay time. So that means I must create some js to create a new delay time.

Readme told me to use setTimeout, but the overlibs appear if you leave ur mouse on the link for a milisecond or 5 seconds. Which is a horrible bug.

Anyone *cough cough* CB *cough cough* know some other js that could fix this?
03.11.04 22:16
Post #1
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Ok here's my attempt to make a delayed overlib appear:


Here's some code for it that delays 1000ms:
<script type=text/javascript><!--
function doOLib(stuff) {
return overlib(stuff, CAPTION, '', BORDER, '0');
<A HREF="viewprofile.php?name=/Bloopy" onmouseover="setTimeout('doOLib(\'WOOOT HELLO CHARLIE I THINK IT WORKS\')',1000)" onmouseout='return nd();'>Link</a>

you should be able to modify it if you wanna pass the caption as a parameter and such

[QUOTE=Bloopy][QUOTE=thomasp]I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.[/QUOTE]What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?[/QUOTE]
04.11.04 02:28
Post #2
Last edited: 04.11.04 02:49 (Bloopy - 9 times) [Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Nope, it's the same bug as the timeout thing readme gave. Try hovering over that link multiple times.


04.11.04 03:42
Post #3
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Well, I hovered all five links about five times each, and they all took the same amount of time to appear (just a bit over 1 second).
04.11.04 05:17
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How can there be a bug if the function isn't called for a whole second C1? Here's one that takes 10 seconds:

Hold yer mouse here

It's working for the rest of us. I edited C1's post to remove the doOLib function because doOLib is already defined in my first post in this thread.

[QUOTE=Bloopy][QUOTE=thomasp]I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.[/QUOTE]What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?[/QUOTE]
04.11.04 08:10
Post #5
Last edited: 04.11.04 08:14 (Bloopy - 2 times) [Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Same as Glenn here, the 4 links (up) appear after one second delay, and Bloopy's last one takes 10 seconds.


Artwork by the wishmaster.

04.11.04 08:54
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Well, it's somewhat working on IE. It appeared after 10 seconds, but now it won't go away.

C1: Maybe you should listen slower, since he's somewhat proved it was possible :P.
04.11.04 15:01
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Quoted :: Glenn

Well, it's somewhat working on IE. It appeared after 10 seconds, but now it won't go away.

C1: Maybe you should listen slower, since he's somewhat proved it was possible :P.

EXACTLY! That's the bug. It won't go away sometimes if you run over the link quickly a lot of times.
There needs to be a way to delete the overlib as soon as you lift your mouse off the link.
04.11.04 21:01
Post #8
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ahhh, i get this bug. But only if i try to get it ;)
and i don't allways get it when i do try.
I never get it when i don't try.

04.11.04 21:10
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The Skull got it when he didn't try to get it and same with me.
04.11.04 21:18
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i noticed that if you quickly put your mouse over the link(when you have this bug) and then hover over a normal link, with no overlib, after 1second, you'll get the"wooot hello charlie i think it works"message....

04.11.04 23:48
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Yep, that seems to be what happens for me. But it still takes the another second of hovering over a different link for it to happen (which is the same delay in the overlib).
05.11.04 01:20
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C1 you should've said what bug you were talking about in the first place so I could fix it! :P Here's my attempt:

Link With 2 Sec Delay That Cancels If You MouseOut
Link With 2 Sec Delay That Cancels If You MouseOut

Ok I think that's working, here's the code:

<script type=text/javascript><!--
var olibool = true;
function doOLibDelay(stuff) {
olibool = true;
return overlib(stuff, CAPTION, '', BORDER, '0');

<A HREF="viewprofile.php?name=/Bloopy" onmouseover="if(olibool){olibtime = setTimeout('doOLibDelay(\'WOOOT HELLO CHARLIE I

THINK IT WORKS\')',2000);olibool = false}" onmouseout='if(!olibool){clearTimeout(olibtime);olibool = true}return nd();'>Link

With 2 Sec Dely That Cancels If You MouseOut</a>

[QUOTE=Bloopy][QUOTE=thomasp]I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.[/QUOTE]What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?[/QUOTE]
05.11.04 03:39
Post #13
Last edited: 05.11.04 04:08 (Bloopy - 6 times) [Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Thanks Bloopy! You're the greatest :D
05.11.04 06:24
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Well it took him 6 edits... :)

05.11.04 18:43
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