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[G]the candy man
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i think it would be a cool idea if you could marry your pixels to other one....with the users permission.
Then they could have little pixel children. The child would inherit a mixed look. So it has some features of the mum and dad.....
unless you want gay marrages :P
03.11.04 21:21
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Lol, you'll have to enable gender first ;)
I like the idea. Pixel children must be smaller than the current pixel pets ! :D


Artwork by the wishmaster.

03.11.04 21:47
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[G]the candy man
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yeah, of course you would have to decide on gender but....hmmm i dunno
maybe not. Maybe you could just have a baby whatever the gender?

and when the pet is pregnant he/she loses health quickly :P
03.11.04 22:03
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That would be awesome. Have little pixels kids lol. They should implement that. I don't think it would be that hard to make genders..or maybe it is just me.
03.11.04 23:37
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Then you'd have to make pixels grow and age as well...
04.11.04 01:16
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They already age.


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Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
04.11.04 02:21
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No, I mean as they get older, their color starts fading, until they hit a point where they'll die soon, depending on how well you cared for them.
04.11.04 05:16
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[G]the candy man
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yeah...that would be cooooool.
But i suspect it would be hard to code?
04.11.04 08:27
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Be careful, they could spread like worms and invade the pages randomly !


Artwork by the wishmaster.

04.11.04 08:55
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If they add too much to the pet thingy the site would have to be renamed to BlameThe... Wait, they're pixels. Never mind, it would stay as BlameThePixel.
But yeah, nice idea.

Edit: 1800th post!
04.11.04 09:45
Post #10
Last edited: 04.11.04 09:45 (Dingbats - 1 times) [Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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BlameThePPixels! That's what you were trying to say?
04.11.04 12:30
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If you're obsessed with marriages, you can now marry each other as much as you want at the Softbrain site.
04.11.04 12:58
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Quoted :: The candy Man

Then they could have little pixel children. The child would inherit a mixed look. So it has some features of the mum and dad.....

I love the idea! So if the father had rgb (200,150,75) and the mum had rgb (100,0,125) then the pixel child would have the average which is rgb (150,75,100). The accessories could be somehow chosen with a mix of the mums and dads. But who would own the new child though..? Hmm.

04.11.04 14:59
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No one would own the children. They would live on their own in PixVille 2. Sometimes they would PM their parents to let them know that they're fine. :)
04.11.04 15:05
Post #14
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[G]the candy man
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lol yeah
or maybe they could go up for adoption :p
04.11.04 16:41
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