
BTForum » Other Stuff » BlameTheSuggestions » W:A maps dont always work on WWP

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The Maps Page
If a map is compatible with W:A it will probably be compatible with WWP too, and vice versa.

The Maps Page
Since i last checked..color maps dont work on wwp at least not online. To a "newb" this could be confusing it should be changed. it should say "All maps for WWp will work but not all maps for WA will work with WWp."
03.11.04 02:58
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If you search for maps, and select the works with tab, it says this:

W:A Colour PNGs only.

Furthermore, when you actually see a colour PNG, it says this:

Compatible with: [W:A] (W:A Colour PNG)

If you ignore both of those, you somewhat deserve the surprise that you get when you try to load it in WWP.
03.11.04 03:08
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