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Sometimes when I click on the game settings in multiplayer, the screen just exits on me, what's causing this and can it be fixed? Im running windows xp
03.11.04 00:11
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Hrm, are there any programs that may take the focus away from W:A open (IMs, WinAmp, similar programs)?
03.11.04 00:28
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Winamp, firewall, WInamp, umm yeah :p
03.11.04 02:05
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Maybe it'd be a good idea to close WinAmp before starting Worms, yes?
03.11.04 14:05
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winamp is terrible with worms.
the problem i find is that it doesn't play the next track, and i have to minimize to manually play the next song- can't do this on wwp :|
although, i've never experianced this problem befor....

03.11.04 16:32
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Winamp just laggs me...
03.11.04 17:24
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HehHeh, I have no trouble playing worms with winamp open to a radio station playing at 160 Kbps, even on a 400mhz CPU and 325*MB o' RAM
03.11.04 18:54
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yesh, winamp runs okay with me (and usally the other 30 processes)
03.11.04 19:29
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[G]the candy man
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well.....solution is dont use winamp :D
03.11.04 19:34
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Quoted :: HarrY

winamp is terrible with worms.
the problem i find is that it doesn't play the next track, and i have to minimize to manually play the next song- can't do this on wwp :|
although, i've never experianced this problem befor....

That got fixed in the new version, V5.05.

03.11.04 19:41
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Winamp runs fine for me (i use 5.05), as long as i minimize it before launching worms.
Harry, your problem was due to Aston, no ?


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03.11.04 20:18
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Winamp runs okay with me. It just distracts me sometimes =\
03.11.04 21:39
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WinAmp worked with me on both computers. What XP are you using? Service Pack 2? I bet it would be service pack 2.

04.11.04 00:59
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Service pack one. SOmetimes it also happens when I click exit, from say a wormnet channel
04.11.04 02:28
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

WinAmp worked with me on both computers. What XP are you using? Service Pack 2? I bet it would be service pack 2.

Ya Service patch 2 doesnt' work with my worms :( SO I uninstalled it :)
04.11.04 03:34
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