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order great games through this site with loads 2 choose from ! the site is
02.11.04 13:08
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[]The Pope
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Learn to look, look to learn.
02.11.04 18:38
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I think the best thing to do is do a search on Kelkoo.
It searches all the online shops on the web and you can just choose the cheapest one or the best deal one. ;)


02.11.04 18:43
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I use Special Reserve aswell, although, I usally go down to their shops to buy from them (I have never ordered off of the net, and don't plan to in the near future)

02.11.04 18:53
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Lesson learned.
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Quoted :: lee101

order great games through this site with loads 2 choose from ! the site is

Please dont advertise..

An image!
02.11.04 19:24
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Orangie Orgy
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Yes, please oh please dont advertise as we already knew what wasnt going on!1
My mom wont be able to pre-order halo 2 before it comes out. I hear I wont be able to find it in stores for about 2 months afterward :o . Of course I would do anything to get my hands on it for at least a week (like a rental). So im looking everywhere to see if some online company sells the game after it launches :)
02.11.04 19:31
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It will proberly be the same case with Halflife2, although, none of my friends ever play halflife so I'll be ok XD

02.11.04 19:40
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Gargh, they're all UK sites :( I use or for my game ordering, gives you some great pricing :)
04.11.04 03:13
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froogle is now UK and US, so search for anything on there first

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
04.11.04 17:19
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I don't find froogle that useful, to be honest...

You know I'm a dancing machine
04.11.04 19:04
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When i orderd my 2 games a couple of months back, i used
04.11.04 19:08
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Quoted :: ReadMe

froogle is now UK and US, so search for anything on there first

What does froogle even do?
05.11.04 02:47
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At least i have chicken!
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I just use amazon which is both us and uk


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

05.11.04 07:55
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Quoted :: C1

what does froogle even do?

i think its kind of like bay...but a bit different.
It will surch the web for pages selling your search
05.11.04 09:06
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Not online within the last half an hour is winnar...
05.11.04 13:16
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