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Poll: can you host on WA
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i cant for my life figure out why WA (or something else like my firewall) wont let people join the games i create on wormnet can ne1 help me out?

i have a router, but the modem is directly conneceted to my computer, the router is for my sisters\' laptop. will this still effect my connection with wormnet? or should i try to configure my firewall . . .
agian :?
02.11.04 01:14
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Last edited: 02.11.04 01:32 (TheBaker - 2 times) [homestar runner] [Hide Sig (6)] [Profile] [Quote]
Orangie Orgy
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Perhaps you should try punctuation...
A firewall or a router can cause these things to happen. If I remember there was a rather technical fix on the T17 forums about being able to host with a router.
Also playing with your connection settings will cause0rz inability to host
02.11.04 01:16
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I should worry about it []TheBaker. I have ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) and I can't host either.
So I join other people's ;)


02.11.04 04:10
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I have never been able to host, so i do the same as runt.
02.11.04 08:05
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see if that does for you anything... rtfm.
02.11.04 08:33
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Holidays tomorrow, back here and on WN.
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For routers you have to enable some network adress translation (NAT), software firewalls are no pb as long as you know how to configure them, i hosted tons of games behind a big lan with a router, and with ics and some software firewall.

More info in t17's forums.


Artwork by the wishmaster.

02.11.04 16:20
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