Finally, Softbrain's new site is finished and up using the domain ! (Most of you probably don't have a clue about what I'm talking about.)
Visit it, please.
- Sign up, log in and that stuff.
- A forum! Post anything, as long as you post!
- Post threads, post in threads, edit your posts and that common stuff.
- Nice BB tags, including [sarcasm].
- A "line" between the sticky threads and the normal (which makes it look better).
- Apes! Buy an ape, arm it with bananas and fight against other apes!
- A money system. You get money for posting and winning ape fights.
- A PM system, all the stuff you would expect is there.
- Statuses are not customizable by default, you can buy the possibility of changing them.
- A leetifier. Better than BTP's, I have to say. A sample:
This is a sample text used to show what happens when you use the leetifier. It's good, isn't it?
thiz ar3 an 5ample 7ex7 used t0 sho\/\/ what h4ppenz when j00 u5e teh leetifier
1! itz l337 isnt it
- A slot machine where you can win money or bananas for your ape.
- A cool sound that plays when you kill your ape (may take some time to load).
- DOWNLOADS! Don't forget to download our games and programs! We have 10 GB bandwidth, so download as much as you can.
- All times are American time. If some PHP guy could tell me how to make the users be able to set the time zone, I would be happy.
- A box at the index page where you can write some stuff (optional).
Sign up and post all your suggestions in the Bugs & Suggestions forum! You can also post some comments about the site here in this thread.
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