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Poll: Which Team 17 Soundbank do you want to see in the finals?
Team17 Test 3 users
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Quoted :: Khuzad

Ïs doom3 really any good?

what on earth made you doubt that it isn't a goodgame-actually it isn't, it's a bloody fantastic game!

@candy: so what if it is easy mode. Try it in nightmare mode-i havn't, ebcause i am still playing in easy mode 8)

03.11.04 19:55
Post #16
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]the candy man
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ohhh lol
i may try nightmare mode but ii have loads of work at the moment.... and san andreas of course :P
03.11.04 20:12
Post #17
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Great Donkey Master
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yeah! san andreas rocks! :D

04.11.04 18:27
Post #18
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