
BTForum » Other Stuff » BlameTheSuggestions » Premium Option Costs?

Poll: Should this idea be implemented?
Of course! 2 users
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Yes. This is my suggestion: Have a drop-down menu for premium option costs, and give users the choice to either go by the current system (pay a small fee to change and pay a fee a day), or to pay a large fee to change and get a smaller daily fee. (Example- instead of costing 200 to change torsos, 20 per day, it could be 800 to change, 5 per day.) Was this idea worth the typing? You decide :P


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30.10.04 18:29
Post #1
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Why not?
31.10.04 09:44
Post #2
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Yes, it could give a choice, without cancelling the old system. "Why not" too.


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31.10.04 10:15
Post #3
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i'm not botherd, i don't use custom torsos, or have enough money ;)

31.10.04 12:39
Post #4
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]the candy man
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were did all your money go? u used to one of the richest here?

were you buying to many cookies?
31.10.04 12:47
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tis a good idea thnikk. In a certain point of view it makes premium options cheaper, so long as you hardly change it at all


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31.10.04 15:56
Post #6
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Quoted :: Thnikkaman

Yes. This is my suggestion: Have a drop-down menu for premium option costs, and give users the choice to either go by the current system (pay a small fee to change and pay a fee a day), or to pay a large fee to change and get a smaller daily fee. (Example- instead of costing 200 to change torsos, 20 per day, it could be 800 to change, 5 per day.) Was this idea worth the typing? You decide :P

Or you could have a weekly or monthly fee to pay. Instead of one big price then a small fee a day. Why not one big on per month or week?


31.10.04 17:36
Post #7
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Well... let's say, you spent it all in ignorance of the fee, and you could go into the negatives that way :/ That IS a good idea. I think my idea would make it a bit cheaper in the long run, a lot easier to upkeep. (In some respects, I got that idea from Lords of Magic, where you can either hire a mercenary for a small upfront fee, and a constant bigger fee, or train the unit for a large upfront fee but a smaller constant fee)


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31.10.04 18:27
Post #8
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