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Orangie Orgy
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..he was on topic.
And your pixel didnt die, kyle deleted it
07.11.04 21:42
Post #76
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How did he delete them?
07.11.04 21:44
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Orangie Orgy
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long story short, there was a little hole in the system where you would have url like pet_delete.php?id=## and the number being the ID of the pet
check [B]Foamy
07.11.04 21:48
Post #78
Last edited: 07.11.04 21:49 (Pioneer322 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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And why the fuck did he? Im going to shove his ass in if he doesnt give me a good reason.
07.11.04 21:49
Post #79
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so, is that what happened to me too?!

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
07.11.04 21:53
Post #80
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Orangie Orgy
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Most of everybodys, those who all of a sudden got "pet doesnt exist" doesnt mean its dead, it doesnt exist
dead ones should still be in the pixel list as DEAD
07.11.04 21:56
Post #81
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Im going to fucking kill him.
07.11.04 22:09
Post #82
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Why would he do something like that? it just wouldn't even cross my mind...
07.11.04 22:13
Post #83
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I know. Its so evil to do that to my young Sonic Jr. He meant no harm!
07.11.04 22:31
Post #84
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Sonic Jr was a bad egg, its Blue you need to feel sorry for, now hes gone...all i have is cheese :cry:
07.11.04 22:33
Post #85
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Sonic Jr. was a good egg! :( Now all i have is Skullhead.
07.11.04 22:36
Post #86
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Hey Megalomaniac
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For Irk-sehl, it's just a trip back to his younger days. I respawned him using cutting-edge out-of-this-world technology. (Which cost me precisely 24$)


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
08.11.04 00:35
Post #87
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sonic, we're not off the subject. the subject is pet pixels, in general, not just one specific part. accessories for said pixels are still part of the pixels, so they're still part of this topic.

oops, this post was made when, for some reason, the rest of the page didn't load. anyway, on the subject, will we get money back for the bastard deleting our pets, or will we have to buy another pixel?

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
08.11.04 03:00
Post #88
Last edited: 08.11.04 18:30 (Akuryou13 - 2 times) [Hide Sig (4)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Strange. My pixel hasn't been deleted. Now I have the oldest pixel of all! :D
08.11.04 12:52
Post #89
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[G]the candy man
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i think you are sadly mistaken
08.11.04 18:07
Post #90
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