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eep, thanks for pointing that out XD
29.10.04 07:31
Post #31
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needs an edit pixel name link!
29.10.04 09:37
Post #32
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Holidays tomorrow, back here and on WN.
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Just give him some time to code it. ;)


Artwork by the wishmaster.

29.10.04 10:00
Post #33
Last edited: 29.10.04 10:00 (Falkra - 1 times) [My maps] [Hide Sig (4)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I dont think Knifa is up yet....
29.10.04 10:14
Post #34
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if you ant to change the name, delete you current pixel and make a new one.

29.10.04 16:06
Post #35
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Khuzad has got a PixelPet!

Have a go at pronouncing that xD

29.10.04 17:21
Post #36
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Quoted :: Khuzad

Khuzad has got a PixelPet!

Have a go at pronouncing that xD

K...Nixel! No? Oh well can't balme a guy for trying.

When the change Pixel name comes into play I think I will change mine :P
Eric seems a bit stupid as I named it after my cat ;)


29.10.04 18:02
Post #37
Last edited: 29.10.04 18:03 (Runt - 1 times) [Hide Sig (10)] [Profile] [Quote]
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the name changer will never be implemented, i hope, it's pointless and if you didn't give your pixel the corect name, you deserver to pay again for a new one.

29.10.04 18:52
Post #38
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Yay for the new features! :)
30.10.04 08:58
Post #39
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: HarrY

you deserver to pay again for a new one.

I did.
30.10.04 11:26
Post #40
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Yeh, I did too. Thats how I got


31.10.04 00:00
Post #41
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But now, i will never have one of the oldest pixel Pets, which im pretty pissed about to be hounest...
31.10.04 00:19
Post #42
Last edited: 31.10.04 00:20 (VisioN - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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archibald is Age: 2.91days old :( getting so old :(

31.10.04 19:41
Post #43
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I dont know, it just would have been nice to have one of the oldest living pixel pets on BTP, sad really :P
31.10.04 19:48
Post #44
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Well, you might have the oldest. If some peoples one's die.
Then you will have one of the oldest.
True no? ;)


31.10.04 21:49
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